What is CrossFit All About?

The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” Functional movements are universal motor recruitment patterns; they are performed in a wave of contraction from core to extremity; and they are compound movements—i.e., they are multi-joint. They are natural, effective, and efficient locomotors of body and external objects. But no aspect of functional movements is more important than their capacity to move large loads over long distances, and to do so quickly.
Fran: 2:37
Pullups: 40
500m Row: 1:32
Grace: 3:04
Isabel: 2:51
Dbl Unders: 100
BackSquat: 455
Front Squat: 350
Overhead Squat: 250
DeadLift: 450
Shoulder Press: 205
Power Snatch: 205
Push Jerk: 300
Power Clean and Jerk: 265
Bench: 315
Crossfit Total: 1110

Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday June 29th "Mary"

AMRAP in 20 min

5 handstand pushups
10 one legged squats
15 pullups

9 rounds

Friday June 27th

Jayme, Claire, and I hiked the 7.5 mile liberty creek trail in liberty lake. We biked in for 2 miles. The 2 mile bike ride was on a rocky trail that was a gradual uphill climb the whole way. We locked our bikes to a tree and trecked another mile and half straight up a mountain, then turned around and went back. I had Claire on my back in a backpack for the whole treck. What a leg burner. That backpack adds another 40 lbs. The entire trip took us about 4 hours. There were some very cool waterfalls and awesome views.

Wednesday June 24th "Olympic Bar Mile"

Do ALL running and reps with 45lb bar

Run 400 m
50 back squats
50 front squats
50 overhead squats

run 400 m
50 shoulder press
50 push press
50 push jerk

run 400 m
50 power hang cleans
50 power hang clean snatches

run 400 m

29: 18

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

tuesday june 23rd "seal pups"

100 squats 185lbs
Every 60 seconds do 5 pullups and 10 pushups


Thursday "fight gone bad"

WOD fight gone bad
3 rounds
1 minute each exercise
As many reps as possible

Double unders

274 reps

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday June 18th, 2009

AMRAP in 20 min

15 pullups
10 single leg deadlift 45 lbs each leg
run 200 m
15 kettle bell swings

6 rounds in 23:17

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Monday June 15th, 2009 "Angie"

WOD "Angie"
100 squats
100 pushups
100 situps
100 pullups


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday June 13th 2009

Thrusters for 30 seconds
15 second rest
Pullups for 30 seconds
15 second rest
6 rounds

R1: 20, 20
R2: 12, 12
R3: 12, 12
R4: 10, 12
R5: 10, 10
R6: 12, 12

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday June 12th 2009

Da Bears

1 bear = 135lbs and
1 clean
1 squat
1 thrusters
1 back squat
then bear crawl 20 yards

4 rounds for time

Thursday June 12th 2009

Did the back and legs workout on the P90X program with a friend. Then did the ABRipper-X workout.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday June 9th, 2009

10 squats (225 lbs)
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 sledge hammer bangs
400 m run

5 rounds for time

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday June 8th 2009

21 225lb deadlift
21 Muscle ups
21 135 lbs front squats
21 Handstand pushups

15 225lb deadlift
15 Muscle ups
15 135 lbs front squats
15 Handstand pushups

9 225lb deadlift
9 Muscle ups
9 135 lbs front squats
9 Handstand pushups

Muscle ups took 99.9% of my time. Everything else was a breeze!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday June 6th

Today I "MOWRAN"!

I actually ran behind the lawn mower for an hour.

Friday June 5th


100 pullups
90 situps
80 air squats
70 push press (45lb)
60 OHS
50 reverse lunges
40 WB shots
30 back ext
20 box jumps
10 plate pushes

31 min

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Monday June 2nd

15 ohs 65lb
21 dips
5 plate pushes
500m row
4 rounds for time
