What is CrossFit All About?

The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” Functional movements are universal motor recruitment patterns; they are performed in a wave of contraction from core to extremity; and they are compound movements—i.e., they are multi-joint. They are natural, effective, and efficient locomotors of body and external objects. But no aspect of functional movements is more important than their capacity to move large loads over long distances, and to do so quickly.
Fran: 2:37
Pullups: 40
500m Row: 1:32
Grace: 3:04
Isabel: 2:51
Dbl Unders: 100
BackSquat: 455
Front Squat: 350
Overhead Squat: 250
DeadLift: 450
Shoulder Press: 205
Power Snatch: 205
Push Jerk: 300
Power Clean and Jerk: 265
Bench: 315
Crossfit Total: 1110

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday - New Zone Ratios

I wanted to talk a little bit about diet today. I have been following the zone diet for about 6 weeks now and have seen my body fat go down and my performance go up. Currently I am eating a pretty level 16 blocks per day. I have been doubling the fat blocks though.

After researching the CrossFit Forums, I have decided to switch it up a little bit. My goal is to Add lean muscle mass, loss body fat, and increase my performance (isn't that what we all want?).

I am going to take in 22 blocks of protein, 11 blocks of carbs, and 66 blocks of fat per day. I am hoping the increase in Protein will help me to build more muscle. The decrease in carbs should cut the fat, and the increase in fat will keep my caloric intake as high as it needs to be (hopefully).

I still want to get the majority of my carbs from vegetables and fruit.

I plan on breaking my meals out as follows:

8am Breakfast: 4blocks protein, 2 blocks Carbs, 11 blocks fat
11am Snack: 3P, 2C, 11F
2pm Lunch: 4P, 2C, 11F
5Pm After workout Snack: 4P, 3C, 11F
7PM Dinner: 4P, 2C, 11F
9:30 Before bed snack: 3P, 1C, 11F

This is what I ate today:
Breakfast 4P, 2C, 11F
-Whole wheat waffle, with 14g protein, 2Tbsp Peanut Butter, sugar free syrup
-2 eggs
-1 glass of milk

Snack 3P, 2C, 11F
-3oz roast beef deli meat
-1 pear
-33 almonds

Lunch 4P, 2C, 11F
-4oz Roast Beef
-1 pear
-33 Almonds

Snack 4P, 2C, 11F
-Whole wheat tortilla with 4 eggs, avocado and olives, salsa

Dinner 4P, 2C, 11F
-4oz petite sirloin steak
-2 cups mixed veggies
-almonds and olives

Before Bed Snack 3P, 1C, 11F
3/4 cup cottage cheese, 2tbsp peanut butter

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