What is CrossFit All About?

The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” Functional movements are universal motor recruitment patterns; they are performed in a wave of contraction from core to extremity; and they are compound movements—i.e., they are multi-joint. They are natural, effective, and efficient locomotors of body and external objects. But no aspect of functional movements is more important than their capacity to move large loads over long distances, and to do so quickly.
Fran: 2:37
Pullups: 40
500m Row: 1:32
Grace: 3:04
Isabel: 2:51
Dbl Unders: 100
BackSquat: 455
Front Squat: 350
Overhead Squat: 250
DeadLift: 450
Shoulder Press: 205
Power Snatch: 205
Push Jerk: 300
Power Clean and Jerk: 265
Bench: 315
Crossfit Total: 1110

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday 12/1/09

50 yards Plate Push, 50 x 1-arm DB Snatch, 50 x Sit-ups
40 yards Plate Push, 40 x 1-arm DB Snatch, 40 x Sit-ups
30 yards Plate Push, 30 x 1-arm DB Snatch, 30 x Sit-ups
20 yards Plate Push, 20 x 1-arm DB Snatch, 20 x Sit-ups
10 yards Plate Push, 10 x 1-arm DB Snatch, 10 x Sit-ups


Monday 11/30/09

Today’s competition WODS were:
WOD #1: 500 meter Row for time
WOD #2: Max Reps of Pull-ups (1 set to failure)
40 pullups (#1 both Gyms)
WOD #3: 60 seconds AMReps AP of BURPEES!
31 burpees (#1 both Gyms)
WOD #4: 7:00 of “Cindy” AMRAP (”Cindy” consists of 5 x pull-ups, 10 x push-ups, and 15 x squats as one round)
8 rounds of cindy

Monday Nov 16th

100 reps of “Curtis P.’s”
For Time…
Curtis P. is…
One hanging squat clean / one lunge right leg / one lunge left leg / one push-press = 1 rep!!!

Friday nov 13

300 squats, 200 med ball push-ups, 100 KB swings (35), 50 burpees, 25 deadlift 225lbs (both folks with same bar, same time)

iceman and I got it done in 15:02